Thursday, October 13, 2005

Corzine to Monmouth: You're not so great

In last night's New Jersey governor debate, Democrat nominee Senator Jon Corzine disagreed with Republican nominee Doug Forrester's opinion that "Monmouth County has always been looked to, and will continue to be looked to, as an example of good government." Corzine questioned the statement because of the recent indictments of some Monmouth County officials.

Corzine is right, there have been some corruption problems in Monmouth. But what large New Jersey county does Corzine think should be an example? Hudson? Essex? Mercer? Union? Passaic? Camden? Every large Democrat-controlled county in New Jersey is corrupt beyond belief. What large county should we look to as an example, Jon?

Burlington County seems to avoid being indicted pretty well.

Oh, wait, they're all Republicans.
It was a female Democratic representative (Senator Ellen Karcher) who bravely stood up and blew the whistle on Monmouth's Republican corruption. No Democrat has even blown the whistle on another Democrat in New Jersey (possibly anywhere, but here for sure). So - do we want a Democrat or a Republican minding the store in Trenton?
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