Monday, May 29, 2006
May we remember always those men and women who fought to make and keep this nation free and made the ultimate sacrifice. Your service and sacrifice are a big example of what makes this country special. And may God bless the men and women serving in our Armed Forces today.
This poem is worthy of a read:
If you have time, check out the following tributes:
One nation, one moment
Happy Memorial Day
Freedom is Not Free
Another Remember
This poem is worthy of a read:
“Last Monday in May” By John T. Bird
We pause to remember those who died
With so much courage, so much pride
They’ll never come back, yet memories endure
To remind us of freedom: fragile, pure
We’re worthy of their sacrifice if we pause each day
Not just on the last Monday in May
If you have time, check out the following tributes:
One nation, one moment
Happy Memorial Day
Freedom is Not Free
Another Remember