Friday, December 15, 2006

Debbie does jury duty

Former New Jersey Supreme Court Chief Justice Deborah T. Poritz has had a busy six weeks since leaving the court. She has interviewed, and taken a position, with the Princeton office of Drinker Biddle, been called for jury duty (although was dismissed without being put on a jury) and answered some questions for the Wall Street Journal's Law Blog. A few interesting tid-bits from the Q&A:

We must admit that the Law Blog's last question -- "Did you catch Scarlet Fever? We mean, have you hopped on the Rutgers University football bandwagon?" -- annoyed us slightly, partly because we've been asked the same question by several people. For your information, just because someone lives in New Jersey doesn't mean they follow (or even care about) Rutgers football. We're not that small town.

(But we were excited to see Rutgers do well)

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