Tuesday, April 10, 2007
We're still waiting to hear from any member of the Hoboken City Council regarding the following question:
Why do we ask? Read here and here.
If you're from Hoboken and curious about the answer to this question like we are, e-mail the members of the City Council and ask them to respond (the following e-mail addresses are all publicly available). Maybe we'll (you'll) finally get an answer.
Rubin Ramos: rramos1973@optonline.net
Mike Russo: msrusso31@aol.com and mike@russoforhoboken.com
Chris Campos: chris@camposlegal.com and campos323@hotmail.com
Michael Cricco: MCricco@aol.com
Nino Giacchi: mgiacchi@juno.com
Theresa Castellano: tclmath@aol.com and theresa@castellanoforhoboken.com
Peter Cammarano: pcammarano@gbvlaw.com and pjciii@gmail.com
What legitimate purpose is there for members of the Hobken City Council to carry badges?
Why do we ask? Read here and here.
If you're from Hoboken and curious about the answer to this question like we are, e-mail the members of the City Council and ask them to respond (the following e-mail addresses are all publicly available). Maybe we'll (you'll) finally get an answer.
Rubin Ramos: rramos1973@optonline.net
Mike Russo: msrusso31@aol.com and mike@russoforhoboken.com
Chris Campos: chris@camposlegal.com and campos323@hotmail.com
Michael Cricco: MCricco@aol.com
Nino Giacchi: mgiacchi@juno.com
Theresa Castellano: tclmath@aol.com and theresa@castellanoforhoboken.com
Peter Cammarano: pcammarano@gbvlaw.com and pjciii@gmail.com
Labels: Hoboken